Frequently asked questions
As Windham Woods School carries out a plan to reopen our doors to students, faculty, and staff, we will continue to be completely transparent with our community and try to answer all of your questions. The FAQs below are in response to a survey sent to families on August 13th. The science and data associated with COVID-19 is rapidly changing. Thus, we will continue to provide the most accurate, updated information as it becomes available. Thank you for your cooperation and flexibility to help us provide a safe, positive learning environment for your children.
+ Are the students going to be practicing social distancing?
Yes. Necessary social distancing is required and will be monitored by all staff during the school day. Please see the COVID-19 Plan for specific guidelines.
+ What are the sizes of each class?
Our classes have an average of seven students per class. No class at Windham Woods will have more than 10 students.
+ Are the desks spaced apart from each other in each classroom?
Yes. Desks are spaced at least 6 feet apart in classrooms.
+ Will you be teaching classes outside?
Windham Woods School has 250 acres of outdoor classroom space. We are in a great place to practice outdoor learning! Additionally, Windham Woods purchased “classroom tents” so students will be able to have a shaded, dry place to learn.
+ How will learning cohorts be organized?
Students will be grouped into cohorts based on a number of factors, but most notably by academic skill level. We understand the value of having flexible groupings where students can flow into different class groupings based academic strengths. However, due to COVID-19 cohort restrictions, we are modifying our schedule this fall to limit exposure and keep students with the same cohorts. While we anticipate minor cohort adjustments early in the fall, student schedules will remain as consistent as possible to limit exposure and allow for contact tracing if necessary.
+ What will snack time and lunch look like this fall?
As in the past, students will bring their own food to school each day. They will not be allowed to share any food or drink with others. Students will be eating snack and lunch either in their classrooms or outside. Regardless, they will do so while being appropriately spaced.
+ Last year you combined two groups to have specials (Art, Music, PE). Are you doing that again this year?
No. With the exception of two small elementary classes, all cohorts will have their own Art, Music, and PE classes and groups will not be combined. Our teachers have taken on additional responsibilities to ensure students have access to these opportunities.
+ How much socialization will the children have with one another?
Socialization is a huge part of the developmental process for all children and we hope to encourage this as much as possible while staying safe. While it may take students time to adjust to the new rules and guidelines, we are confident students will quickly feel comfortable and safe.
+ Will WWS require parents to take their student’s temperature before school?
Yes. Parents should be taking temperatures before they depart for school each morning. They will enter the temperatures online as part of a brief Daily Health Form. [CLICK HERE FOR THE DAILY HEALTH FORM.][0] Temperatures will also be taken before any student, staff, or visitor enters Windham Woods School. It will occur at drop-off each morning and at other times throughout the day as the nurse deems necessary.
+ Will everyone be wearing face coverings?
Yes. All students, faculty, and staff will be required to wear face coverings while in the building. We understand this will be a challenge. Thus, we are determined to be outside as much as possible during school days with appropriate distancing. Students should bring two clean face coverings each day. We are supplying each student with a special Windham Woods mask.
+ Will every effort be made to have scheduled mask breaks and outdoor time?
Yes. Mask breaks will definitely occur throughout the day. When students are outdoors, masks will not be required although appropriate distancing will be enforced at all times. Students may also request a mask break at any point in the day.
+ Are you doing any upgrades to your HVAC system?
• Yes. “iWave” purifying devices are installed in our HVAC systems school-wide. When air passes over the iWave system, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air. When the ions come in contact with viruses, bacteria or mold, they remove the hydrogen molecules which kill the pathogens. • We have increased the capacity of our ventilation in our building bringing more cycles of fresh air in from the outside per hour. • During indoor instruction, windows will be opened (weather permitting) to enhance airflow.
+ Can students use the bathroom at any time? How are you making bathrooms safe?
One student will be allowed in a bathroom at a time. We have disabled all hand dryers to reduce the amount of aerosol in the rooms. At this time, students will use paper towels. Teachers will practice hand washing and sanitizing procedures with students.
+ Will students be using traditional water fountains at school?
No. We have installed a touchless, sensor activated fill station for students to fill their own water bottles. Students should come to school with their own clean labeled water bottle (full of water) each day.
+ Will you have hand sanitizer available in the school?
Yes, we have installed 18 touchless hand sanitizing stations on campus.
+ What is the proper handwashing technique?
When handwashing, individuals should use soap and water to wash all surfaces of their hands for at least 20 seconds, wait for visible lather, rinse thoroughly, and dry with an individual disposable towel.
+ How will the cleaning services look this year?
Our professional cleaning companies will be focused on highly trafficked areas, including bathrooms and all high-touch surfaces. Windows will be open as often as possible, and there will be additional signage and posted sanitation guidelines. Faculty and students will also be asked to sanitize when leaving and entering classrooms.
+ Will students be allowed to bring in backpacks?
Yes. Students will be encouraged to use their backpacks throughout the day to reduce traffic to their lockers or cubbies. They can store lunches and class materials in their backpacks for easy access throughout the day.
+ Will students be sharing any supplies?
No. The materials list is extensive this year and supplies should not be shared. Any shared tables or surfaces will be cleaned after every use. We have signs that will be placed on tables once they have been sanitized.
+ What is the procedure and notification policy to Windham Woods Families if any student, teacher, or staff tests positive for COVID-19?
If a student, faculty, or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to notify the school nurse immediately and will not be allowed on campus. The nurse will call the NH Department of Health and Human services for further guidance. Then, the contact tracing procedure is initiated with support from the NH Department of Health and Human Services. The NH Department of Health and Human Services will assist Windham Woods School with a specific communication plan for those directly impacted in the community, including quarantine timelines. Any member of the community who has a positive COVID-19 result (including students, faculty, or staff members) will be required to quarantine for 14 days and must have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to Windham Woods School. Individuals who have been asked to quarantine must provide a negative COVID-19 test before returning to Windham Woods School. Windham Woods School will follow all HIPAA laws to protect the privacy of individuals in our community.
+ What is the protocol if someone at the school has come into contact with someone who tests positive?
We will educate our students and monitor their interactions during all times structured and unstructured). Students should maintain a distance of 6 feet and therefore should not be in close contact with others. Those that are within six feet, indoors, for more than 15 minutes, are defined as “close contact.” We will communicate with families immediately following direction from the NH Department of Health and Human Services. It is our goal to be as transparent as possible to ensure safety while respecting all HIPAA laws. Windham Woods School asks families to be honest when assessing their own child’s health and possible symptoms that may impact the community.
+ What will you do if a student goes home with symptoms, but is still waiting for COVID-19 test results?
All classes will have a static seating plan, so potential exposure is limited. We will ask students to quarantine for 48 hours if in “close contact” with an ill or quarantined student. If that student tests positive for COVID-19, then we will ask any “close contact” students to have a negative test before returning to school.
+ If your child gets sick with a run of the mill cold or virus and is out of school, will you require a Covid test to return to school?
If students are experiencing symptoms noted on the “WWS Daily Health Form,” they will have to stay home. If the symptoms persist, a doctor’s visit is required and a note from your physician and/or negative COVID-19 test will be necessary to return to campus. We understand the inconvenience this may cause, but we appreciate your understanding.
+ Is there a possibility that the school will complete COVID testing?
WWS does not have plans to conduct COVID testing at school. If a student experiences COVID-like symptoms, parents should immediately contact their primary care physician for more guidance on where to get rapid testing.
+ What can families do at home to help protect the health of the greater school community?
We ask all in the Windham Woods community to take the Windham Woods Pledge. Our community will only stay healthy when everyone does their part. Please continue to make healthy choices including refraining from large gatherings, consistent use of mask wearing, and social distancing. Please find more details on the [Windham Woods Pledge.][1]
+ How are you making sure families check their children for symptoms each day before they drop them off at school?
We have created a brief [“Daily Health Form”][0] which parents will complete online each morning before they leave for school. If a parent forgets to fill this out, we will do so before the child enters the building. [Click Here for the Form.][0]
+ When should my child get tested for COVID-19?
If your child is showing any COVID-19 symptoms, health professionals recommend COVID-19 testing. They also recommend testing for those who have been in “close contact” to someone showing symptoms. If an individual chooses not to get tested, the student or staff member will be required to remain home in self-quarantine for 14 consecutive days and asymptomatic.
+ If a family decides that remote learning is a better option for their child, after the school year starts, what are the options?
Remote learning opportunities will be available for families upon request. Accommodating both remote and in-person learning creates a challenging staffing scenario. However, Windham Woods School is committed to working with families to create a setting that feels comfortable. Thanks in advance for your patience as these programs are individualized for each student.
+ What does a remote plan look like and what will be in place to support students who need to quarantine due to exposure but are healthy enough to participate in school?
Students will be able to shift from on-campus learners to remote learners. Class work and homework assignments will be posted on Google Classroom so they can be accessed by students at school or at home. Students will likely follow a similar daily schedule if they are learning remotely. They will be able to attend many of their classes virtually through Google Meet or ZOOM and have conversations with their classmates and teachers. Mrs. Barnett is the Remote Learning Coordinator and will assist all students learning remotely.
+ Will you still have your morning meeting in the Great Hall?
Unfortunately, the morning meeting will need to be suspended at this time to ensure the safety of our community. Each cohort will have a morning meeting within their homeroom.
+ Have there been any significant changes to the school calendar?
September 1st is the first day of school. That Friday will be a half-day where students will be dismissed from school at 12pm. Remote learning will not occur Friday, September 4. Please note: All other half days have changed to Fridays which will be fully remote days. Students will log in to their classes virtually and have projects and assignments to work on at home.
+ Are there going to be any after school activities?
Yes. After School Activities will begin Tuesday, September 8 and will be supervised with students spaced appropriately. After School Activities run from 2:35-3:30 pm Mondays-Thursdays.
+ We know how demanding this year will be on the faculty and staff. How are you managing the work/life balance?
Educators at Windham Woods believe in your children. They continue to go above and beyond to ensure a safe, positive learning environment is maintained while keeping students engaged in meaningful ways. We continue to listen to the needs of our educators and support each of them with the same commitment and energy they bring to our classrooms each day. This will be a challenging year for all of us, but remember we are all in this together. Let’s (virtually) lean on each other and show the strength of our community.