The Windham Woods Fund
Make a Gift and Make a Difference
The staff there are all truly amazing and we couldn't be happier with WWS. We know she is in the very best hands there. Thank you so much for all of your help and support. We are really grateful to all of you!
Current Parents, Grade 3
Prior to Windham Woods, he would say things like “I know I’m stupid” –which was heartbreaking because we knew it wasn’t true. Education shouldn’t make you feel dumb…and it shouldn’t “break” you. The fact that our child doesn’t bat an eye waking up at 6 am to get to school is a testament. We have a quote on our fridge that reads: “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” This is exactly what Windham Woods brought for us – a better environment.
Current Parents, Grade 7
At Windham Woods our son finally found his place. He developed a sense of confidence, belonging and certainty. He is with teachers who understand his learning style and are ready to give him the space and environment he needs to grow. Windham Woods has been the key to our son’s success. His life will forever be changed; his future brighter, his world bigger, his spirit stronger. Windham Woods means the world to our family and because of them, the world is now open to our son.
Current Parents, Grade 9
What is the Windham Woods Fund and why should we get involved?
The Windham Woods Fund provides support in all ways at Windham Woods School. These gifts mean students will continue to benefit from small classes, state-of-the-art technology, innovative learning tools, athletic equipment, performing and visual art supplies, expanded elective offerings, building improvements and so much more!
Your annual support of this fund is greatly appreciated as we continue to individualize every student’s experience at Windham Woods. Your partnership, commitment, and belief in our team makes all the difference.
Ryan DeJoy, M.S. Ed.
Head of School
For questions about making a gift, please email
It’s All About the Kids Video!