Windham Woods Pledge
Here at Windham Woods School, we teach our students to embrace the values and skills represented in our Tree of Confidence. During this pandemic, these skills seem even more valuable. Collaboration, compassion, self-reflection, courage, and community stand out as traits we must learn as we care for each other.
In order to keep our entire community safe, we ask all students, families, faculty, staff, and visitors to remember these values and adopt the Windham Woods Pledge (below) as they enter the 2020-2021 school year.
By committing to the Windham Woods Pledge, “I will…”
Treat my peers, faculty, and staff with the respect every human being deserves and not promote, participate in, or allow my own bias to impede the access and opportunity of others in my community.
Monitor my temperature and complete the Daily Health Questionnaire and report any COVID-19 related symptoms to the nurse at WWS.
Stay home or immediately report to the nurse’s office if I’m not feeling well.
Isolate and self-quarantine (per CDC and NHDHHS guidelines) when necessary.
Maintain appropriate physical distancing while on campus and when appropriate at home.
Practice proper hand washing and respiratory etiquette (e.g., cover my cough with my elbow).
Avoid crowded places, avoid mass gatherings off campus, and practice physical distancing when meeting in smaller groups while wearing a face covering.
Wear an appropriate face covering at all times in the school buildings on campus except for teacher-directed outdoor mask break times or while dining.
Participate in COVID-19 testing and contact tracing, as required by the School and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
Be receptive and agreeable to safety reminders and suggestions.
Support others in my community by listening and assisting when I can.
+ Follow Federal, State, and Local Orders
All families are expected to adhere to the directives of applicable federal, state, and local government health departments, including the CDC and New Hampshire Department of Health, regarding social distancing in public and other measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
+ COVID-19 Testing and Notification
If your, your child, or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, you must notify the WWS nurse, Debbie Aylaian ( or (603) 212-9257 as soon as possible.
+ Stay home if showing symptoms
If you, your child, or someone in your household is showing symptoms, you are expected to keep your child home from school.
+ Stay home if exposed
If anyone in your household has been notified by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services that they were in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19, you are asked to notify the WWS nurse, Debbie Aylaian ( or (603) 212-9257 as soon as possible. Based on the circumstance, you may be asked to keep your child home from school for 14 days. During this time, your student will be able to continue classes via remote learning.
+ Travel
Please avoid unnecessary travel. If your student has traveled outside of the United States or New England (RI excluded), New York, New Jersey and/or Hawaii within two weeks of the start of the school year, you are required to notify the School and keep your child home inside these designated states for 14 days prior to campus arrival or take and provide a negative COVID-19 test result during a 72-hour waiting period. If anyone in your student’s household has traveled outside this region and has tested positive for COVID-19, you must also keep your student at home for 14 days. Your student will be able to engage in classes via remote learning.
+ Temperature Checking
Each day, Windham Woods School will check temperatures of students, faculty/staff, and any visitors before they can enter the building. If your student presents with a temperature that is at or higher than 100.4’F, your child will need to be sent home. All students should have their temperatures checked at home first; these shall be recorded by students in the WWS Daily Health Questionnaire.
+ Face Coverings
Students must always have two clean face coverings with them at school. They are required to wear face coverings that cover the mouth and nose at all times while inside any buildings on campus. Teach your child how to properly use and remove a face covering or mask. Windham Woods will have a limited supply of face coverings should a student need one.
+ Hygiene
Practice and reinforce good hygiene practices at home. In particular, the importance of frequent hand washing and hand sanitization is crucial. The School will be placing several hand sanitizing stations across campus.
+ Students' Personal Items
Limit the items your student brings to campus each day. Students should avoid sharing food, supplies, and other items with other students.
+ Medical Forms • Emergency Contacts
Parents and guardians must complete and submit all required student medical forms prior to the first day of school. If a student presents with a temperate at or above 100.4°F or becomes ill during the school day, parents/guardians will be notified and must be prepared to pick up students as soon as possible.