Welcome Back to Windham Woods School!

The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in late 2019 forced Windham Woods School and many other institutions around the world to close their doors and implement remote learning. The faculty and staff at Windham Woods were prepared and rolled out a robust remote learning program for students. Although nothing can replicate the hands-on experience our students receive on campus, our remote learning plan was personal, engaging, and highly interactive. The faculty was extremely responsive to the needs of the students and families providing a flexible and uniquely tailored online program. Our students developed incredible resilience as they quickly adapted to a different way of learning.

Despite the success of our remote learning plan last spring, we are thrilled that students, faculty, and staff will be returning to our beautiful 250 acre campus on September 1st. Although the transition back to school will look different and come with necessary changes, we are committed to reorienting and educating our Windham Woods community in the safest and most supportive way. We will be closely monitoring information from the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. We understand that in order for our school community to learn together on campus, we must have health and safety precautions in place and practiced with consistency. The health and safety of our community is our number one priority. Our community at Windham Woods is only as healthy as your communities at home. Therefore, we are asking all of our families to agree to the “Windham Woods Pledge” pledging to do their best outside of school to keep our entire community safe. CLICK BELOW to view the Windham Woods Pledge.


Important Dates

July 13
NH Governor, Chris Sununu releases guidance regarding the reopening of NH schools

July 15
COVID-19 Leadership Team established

July 29
WWS Reopening Plan released to community

August 4
Email update sent to families from school Nurse, Debbie Aylaian

August 13
FAQ survey sent home to families

August 25
Reopening Plan including FAQs added to our website

August 25
Faculty return to campus for training on COVID-19 policies and procedures

September 1
Students return to campus with new policies and procedures in place

September 4
Early release day for all students and staff • noon dismissal